Fifth Week!

11 May

Not long until GGC now! It dosen’t feel that only five weeks have passed since we started, but i guess in such a short course there bound to be some of these changes.

The game is taking shape more and more by the minute. The two last items are in: Camouflage, which hides the player if he stays still for a long period and distraction bomb, which draws guards attention away from whatever they are guarding. The model for the guard and the player are coming along nicely, and we are hoping for something we can call beta by the end of next week!

My main focus has been in the producer role this week. I’ve reconsidered the need for me to step up and lead the team more directly, and I’ve been trying to accomplish this. A teacher suggested we should do daily stand up meetings. I’m not usually a fan of these, i feel that they are awkward and a waste of time. But it seems every group is different, because it’s been a great help in bridging everyone’s knowledge. It occurs to me now that even though I knew what everyone was doing, not everyone knew what everybody was doing.

I’ve been mostly working on my presentation for the GGC jury. Smaller programming tasks I’ve done include making some small changes so the  grappling hook animates (currently a little bit bugged, but mostly working), fixing a few bugs and building a small test level trying out a linear mode.
I have been debating with myself and others if the game should take a linear path or a more open ended one, but after some consideration, i think a open ended one is the best idea. The linear path quickly turned up boring after thinking about it for a while. In a way, since the game has no time limit to stress the player and the route is obvious, each encounter becomes a very obvious puzzle to solve. A open ended map will hide these puzzles more and make the map more interesting in the end i think.


Anyway that’s all for this week!

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